Solar and battery storage frequently asked questions
Contribute to a sustainable future
Contribute to a more sustainable and secure energy network by generating 100% renewable energy.
Receive a guaranteed, stable, and long-term income stream for the life of the project (typically 40 years).
Once operational, solar farms require minimal upkeep, ensuring hassle-free management and minimal interruption to your operations. The main service issue is ensuring the electrical equipment is safe through regular inspections.
A solar farm has several components to it, these could include;
Solar panels – these are mounted in rows on metal frames that are installed directly into the ground. All cables run along the frames and into central junction boxes.
Inverters – these units convert the direct current (DC) from the panels to alternating current (AC).
Transformer / substation – The transformer allows the energy generated by the panels to match the voltage and frequency of the grid network.
Batteries – The deployment of batteries has become common at solar farms as they can harvest some of the generation during the day and release it at night. This helps overcome any intermittency of supply issues.
Fencing – Deer fencing is often installed around the solar panels to prevent damage to infrastructure.
The land can be used to encourage the growth of a diverse range of grassland and wildflower to encourage biodiversity on site. Sheep-grazing can also be used as a cost-effective method of land management.
Glare is minimised through a translucent coating that improves light transmittance and so any effects are dramatically reduced. Glass in windows typically produces more glare than a PV array.
There is very little noise form a solar farm as there are very few moving components. The only discernible noise would be from the inverters/transformers which would be audible only when close to them.
A typical solar farm can pay back the energy used in manufacture and construction within a year.
Solar farms can be different sizes, from a few kW to several hundred MW. The total size of the array will also depend on the type of panel used. A typical 50MW solar farm will include around 100,000 to 150,000 panels and utilise around 100 - 150 acres.
Yes, the good news is that the majority of the components used in solar panels are able to be recycled.
This is because solar panels are largely composed of reusable materials like aluminium, glass and silicon. As more panels are produced specialised recycling facilities will become more common place to ensure the sustainability of the industry.
We have a proven track record of success, consenting hundreds of megawatts of renewable energy projects.
We are a small, highly capable, experienced, and reliable team.
We are experts in environmental planning and consider carefully all the elements that make a project successful.
We target highly developable sites at an early stage to ensure we focus on the best projects